It is hard to expect change from the current brouhaha at the Senate. It is difficult to focus on the preparations for the coming nightmare called Yolanda, with a President pretending not to be concerned but pulling strings from all sides to make the sideshow from the haunted CCP-PICC complex a successful zarzuela. A site called omnibusblog called the Senate Hearing that compelled Ms. Janet Lim-Napoles to the witness stand as a mockery of Senate Investigation, instead of devotion to being in aid of Legislation, the writer says it was done in aid of demolition. The site talks about cemetery plots, possible burial grounds for famous legislators and key bureaucrat officials, among other unpleasant figures in society. An excerpt of the article is shown below:
From the dead to the dead, till death doth us part
The zarzuela continues. This supposedly "good-intentioned" Senate Hearing, in aid of Demolition, succeeds as a major public relations campaign of world wide magnitude. As a play, the entire production does not rate even a low D grade. It was too transparent to be stage managed, with Madam Janet Lim Napoles talking to her friend-senators as if they were long-lost friends. She does not even use the respectful address of Your Honor and never leads her statements with Mr. Chairman of the Committee.
Madam Napoles was in the Senate at her best element. She even complained that she must be given her free lunch time.
Led by Senators TG Guingona, a known substance abuser and Peter Alan Cayetano, a man insanely driven by the ambition to rise above the person who fed his young models-loving father from the palm of his hand (called Tanda by Sen. Miriam Santiago, ex Judge and former Cory appointee as well as collector of half-million bribe from the lion's share of undocumented 4 million chinese in the Philippines during the 1986 installed revolutionary regime), the drama goes on attempting to be the best Pitong Komikera-Komikerong Itlog show in this part of the globe.
The lady from Lima was also present, hubnubbing with Sen. Santiago during recess with Sens. Cayetano and Trillanes trading ideas from time to time during the interregnum when the Great Madam money giver to presidents, politicians and bureaucrats and money grubber, in the league of Mr. Zaldy Co and Mr. Edwin Gardiola said Time Out, I Have To Eat Lunch. Missing the action was the real lawyer of Madam, Atty. Fred Villamor, for whom the lady of Lima lawyered for Madam Napoles, being an obedient , willing partner with or without her underwear.

A multi-million several days' partying and catering marks the visit of Ms. Janet Lim Napoles to the Heritage Park in Global City aka The Fort. The Inquirer reports that the Heritage Park mausoleum dedicated to Ms. Napoles' mother even became a tourist spot recently after this same newspaper broke the news on the Napoles fund scam. Read more >>

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